“Recess!” This new Vancouver school features slides from the second level

“Safe sliding rules! One slider at a time; feet first — always; sit up to slow down, lie down to go faster. Have fun and be safe,” reads a safety sign.

Forget about boring old staircases — it’s time for recess, revolutionized! This new school in East Vancouver is bringing the fun back to fundamentals with slides that make the start of recess or going home a thrilling adventure on its own.

For much of the past two years, students at Lord Nelson Elementary School have been zipping down from the second level to the playground and schoolyard.

These two-storey slides are some of the standout design features on the exterior of the new school, which recently underwent a brand-new seismic redevelopment.

Each of the wings of the school has an outdoor slide that descends from the second-level entrances on the west side of the building.

Lord Nelson Elementary School Vancouver slide

Slides at Lord Nelson Elementary School in Vancouver. (Kenneth Chan/Daily Hive)

Lord Nelson Elementary School Vancouver slide

Slides at Lord Nelson Elementary School in Vancouver. (Kenneth Chan/Daily Hive)

Lord Nelson Elementary School Vancouver slide

Slides at Lord Nelson Elementary School in Vancouver. (Kenneth Chan/Daily Hive)

Lord Nelson Elementary School Vancouver slide

Slides at Lord Nelson Elementary School in Vancouver. (Kenneth Chan/Daily Hive)

A spokesperson for the Vancouver School Board (VSB) told Daily Hive Urbanized the two-storey slides were made possible in part by the school’s Parent Advisory Committee, which fundraised for some of the costs of the play structures and area.

The idea for such slides came from the consultation process, and they later became a feature during the design and planning work with the redevelopment’s selected design firm, McFarland Marceau Architects.

“While engagement with the school community about the new school’s design was underway prior to construction, several ideas were raised, including many by students, one of which was the slides,” stated the spokesperson.

The new replacement school building first opened in time for the start of the new school year in September 2019, but the slides were not installed until 2022. A community celebration was also held in April 2023 following the full completion of the school’s play area.

Lord Nelson Elementary School Vancouver slide

Slides at Lord Nelson Elementary School in Vancouver. (Kenneth Chan/Daily Hive)

Lord Nelson Elementary School Vancouver slide

Slides at Lord Nelson Elementary School in Vancouver. (Kenneth Chan/Daily Hive)

Lord Nelson Elementary School Vancouver slide

Slides at Lord Nelson Elementary School in Vancouver. (Kenneth Chan/Daily Hive)

It should be noted that the slides are only accessible during school days. During all other times when school is not in session, the gates at the top of the slide are closed and locked to prevent unauthorized use.

“The slides and other play equipment/space has been well received by students and their families, as well as staff at the school,” continued the spokesperson.

A school parent and local resident who lives only a few blocks away from the school told Daily Hive Urbanized that the slide has been a huge hit with the children.

“I have to say it does warm our heart to see our child’s face light up whenever he has a chance to go down those slides. They have really become a highlight of our child’s school experience… and it’s definitely a reminder that learning should always be an adventure, especially at their age. These playground designs have really come a long way since our older child was in elementary,” said the parent.

Lord Nelson Elementary School Vancouver slide

Slides at Lord Nelson Elementary School in Vancouver. (Kenneth Chan/Daily Hive)

Lord Nelson Elementary School Vancouver slide

Slides at Lord Nelson Elementary School in Vancouver. (Kenneth Chan/Daily Hive)

Lord Nelson Elementary School Vancouver slide

Slides at Lord Nelson Elementary School in Vancouver. (Kenneth Chan/Daily Hive)

According to VSB, Lord Nelson Elementary School is currently the only school with this type of playground design, which is based on the consideration of students’ needs and ideas from the school community.

The new three-storey school building was completed at a cost of about $31 million, including $24.4 million for the new replacement school space and $6.4 million for the childcare facility for 69 kids on the third level, which forms a part of a growing trend of co-locating childcare facilities in new-build school developments. The childcare facility component is funded and owned by the municipal government.

According to the architect, the school itself has 20 classrooms organized into five pods for a total capacity of 450 students. Each pod consists of four classrooms, a shared common area, a professional room, and a small group activity room, with the pods being identical and stacked atop one another. The interior design also incorporates mass timber materials to create a more warm and intimate learning and play experience.
