City of Vancouver 2023 Book Award finalists announced

Stack of books featuring 2023 Vancouver Book Award finalists
August 8 2023 –

From a vibrant collection of poetry to a complex tale about mother-daughter relationships, the 2023 City of Vancouver Book Award finalists have now been selected. The award will be presented at the 2023 Book Award Ceremony on Sept. 22, where each finalist will read from their shortlisted titles. Vancouver’s Poet Laureate Fiona Tinwei Lam will also perform a reading. 

The finalists are:

  • Cactus Gardens by Evelyn Lau. Published by Anvil Press. 
  • The Foghorn Echoes by Danny Ramadan. Published by Penguin Random House.
  • Holden After and Before: Love Letter for a Son Lost to Overdose by Tara McGuire. Published by Arsenal Pulp Press. 
  • Jan Wade: Soul Power by Jan Wade, Deanna Bowen, Wayde Compton, Daina Augaitis, Siobhan McCracken Nixon. Published by Information Office, Vancouver Art Gallery. 
  • Junie by Chelene Knight. Published by Book*hug Press 
  • PAWS: Mindy Makes Some Space by Michele Assarasakorn and Nathan Fairbairn. Published by Razorbill. 

Finalists were selected by the 2023 City of Vancouver Book Award Jury, including writers Molly Cross-Blanchard and Dina Del Bucchia and Community Engagement Librarian Allan Cho. 

The annual City of Vancouver Book Award has been recognizing authors of excellence of any genre since 1989. To learn more about the Vancouver Book Awards, visit our website.
