Vancouver city councillor Christine Boyle wins BC NDP nomination

Christine Boyle, the sole representative of the OneCity party in Vancouver City Council, has won the BC NDP’s nomination to run in the 2024 general provincial election.

She will be vying for the seat of MLA in the riding of Vancouver-Little Mountain.

On Thursday evening, the BC NDP announced Boyle’s victory over Andrea Reimer, who was a Vancouver city councillor under the Vision Vancouver party between 2008 and 2018. This is the BC NDP’s first official candidate announcement for this year’s election.

Boyle, a United Church Minister, was first elected into City Council in 2018, and re-elected in 2022.

“As a Vancouver City Councillor, Christine Boyle is a tireless champion for everyday people and the social good,” said BC NDP Premier David Eby in a statement tonight.

“I know she’ll bring that same energy and compassion to her work for people as a BC NDP MLA. Christine will be a strong addition to our team, and a great representative for people in Vancouver-Little Mountain and the issues they care about.”

Given the electoral history of most of the neighbourhoods within Vancouver-Little Mountain, the BC NDP and Boyle are generally expected to be a strong contender for the riding, although there will be some changes to the riding’s geographical boundaries starting this year.

Following a redrawing of the provincial riding boundaries in 2023, the Vancouver-Little Mountain riding is technically a revived riding from absorbing some of the geography of the existing ridings of Vancouver-Mount Pleasant, Vancouver-Fairview, Vancouver-False Creek, Vancouver-Langara, and Vancouver-Kensington. Furthermore, Vancouver-Little Mountain is the renaming of Vancouver-Fairview.

George Heyman, the BC NDP MLA for Vancouver-Fairview since 2013, and the current BC Minister of Environment and Climate Change, is not running for re-election.

If Boyle were to win the MLA seat, this would trigger a municipal by-election to fill the seat she vacates in Vancouver City Council.

“The people of Vancouver-Little Mountain want a government that puts them first; that prioritizes building more housing, improving healthcare, and helping with costs,” said Boyle in a statement tonight. “I’ve seen first-hand how the deep cuts of a Conservative or BCU government can cost people, and I’m ready to work hard every day to make sure we keep moving forward for people so they can build a good life here.”

The BC NDP has indicated the 2024 general provincial election will be held on Saturday, October 19.
