“Revoke their license”: Tesla driving on Vancouver sidewalk and bike lane causes outcry

Questionable driving is becoming a trend in Vancouver, with bad parking jobs and overpass crashes seen around the city. That’s why it’s no surprise that a recent video of a driver making their own roadway has riled up locals.

A video shared on Reddit shows a white Tesla driving on the sidewalk on East 10th Avenue near Commercial–Broadway Station.

The SkyTrain can be heard overhead as the Tesla reverses back onto the pedestrian walkway before turning to drive east on the bike path toward Victoria Drive.

East 10th is normally a one-way street for westbound vehicles, but that didn’t deter the driver, which didn’t surprise the passerby who captured the scene on video.

“The person driving was showing a lot of signs that they were not a confident driver, so when the incident happened, I just started filming,” RevengeofSudz told Daily Hive.

“Seems like every couple of months someone in a higher tax bracket in Vancouver is driving their expensive car on a sidewalk, park path, or bike lane.”

Another pedestrian appears to attempt to alert the Tesla driver they were driving in a bike lane before the vehicle took off.

According to the BC Motor Vehicle Act, “A driver must not drive on a sidewalk, walkway or boulevard, except when entering or leaving a driveway or lane or when entering or leaving land adjacent to a highway, or by permission granted under a bylaw.”

The City of Vancouver’s driving bylaws are similar. They tell drivers not to stop or park on sidewalks or sidewalk crossings.

Tesla bad driver vancouver


Hundreds of comments online ridiculed the Tesla driver.

“In the bike lane going in a one-way street but [in] the opposite direction. Please revoke their license,” said one person.

“Why does it seem like road IQ has dropped in recent years?” questioned another in the discussion.

Some called for the Tesla driver to be reported to the Vancouver Police Department, though others claimed there is no official avenue for reporting incidents like this to the VPD.

Tesla bad driver vancouver


“It’s a shame there is no official way of reporting this kind of stuff rather than just reaching out using social media,” said a user in the discussion.

The VPD states online that non-emergencies can be reported by calling 604-717-3321.

“If you are not reporting a life-threatening incident or a crime in progress, make your report to the non-emergency line,” explains the VPD website.

Have you seen cars driving on the sidewalk or in bike lanes? Do you think the problem of bad driving is getting worse in Vancouver? Let us know in the comments.
