“Pretty bad-ass”: Internet reacts to Jagmeet Singh clapping back at heckler

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh was quick to clap back at a heckler who appeared to have hurled an insult at him outside the Parliament Building in Ottawa on Tuesday.

Luke LeBrun, the editor of Press Progress, shared a video clip of the altercation on X.

It shows Singh walking away and then turning back around when he hears someone call him a “corrupted bastard.”

Singh confronts the person while another individual, who appears to be filming the incident on their phone, denies saying anything.

“Somebody behind me said it,” states the man filming.

Singh then turns his attention to the apparent heckler.

“You say something?” the NDP leader asks.

The man in question denies it, but Singh stands his ground.

“You sure it’s not you? … Because you’re a coward, you’re not going to say it to my face. That’s what’s up.”

LeBrun reported that the individuals who confronted Singh were part of a “far-right group that disrupted the Terry Fox ceremony” on Thursday morning.

In a statement to Daily Hive, an NDP spokesperson said that a “large group gathered at Ottawa’s Parliament Building has been intimidating, filming and harassing staff, pedestrians, journalists and even visitors—some of whom are here because they have survived terrible trauma and have come to share their story with lawmakers.”

The spokesperson added that Singh “does not tolerate bullies and does not condone violence.”

Internet reacts to Singh’s response

Singh’s handling of the situation quickly received a wave of response online, with many saying that he had the right to stand up for himself.

“Not gonna lie, I’m glad Jagmeet stood up to this clown,” wrote one X user.

Another person said that Singh was “brave and outright” in the way he handled the situation.

“Those guys aren’t so tough,” stated another.

“I am no fan of Jagmeet but I am a fan of how he handled it,” wrote one commenter.

Others noted that Singh’s comeback was “deeply satisfying to watch.”

“Regardless of your political stripes, you have to admit that this is pretty bad-ass,” stated BC-based political commentator Mo Amir.

Daily Hive has reached out to the RCMP for further comment.
