How to make sure you never miss the northern lights in Canada

Did you miss out on watching the northern lights last night? Well, there is some good news! 

According to local aurora chaser and astrophotographer Liron Gertsman we are headed towards a period of increased activity, so we can expect the aurora to make many more appearances over the next few years. 

John Preissl (Submitted)

Some incredible auroras were captured on camera across Canada last night as the colourful displays lit up the skies.

But, if you missed them, there’s no need to despair. There are a number of apps you can download that display aurora activity and Deep Space Climate Observatory’s (DSCOVR) data and will notify you about expected aurora sightings near you. 

Northern lights forecasts in Canada are also available on sites like Astronomy North and Aurora Watch.

AuroraMAX also posts alerts on X and Facebook.

Before you drive out to find the perfect spot to observe, make you are also checking weather forecasts to ensure the sky is clear. A great resource is the Clear Sky Charts

Up-to-date meteorological forecasts are also available on Environment Canada‘s site. 

The Canadian Space Agency advises dressing warmly, using a reclining chair for comfort, and watching from a dark site away from city lights. 

John Preissl (Submitted)

Of course, if this is all too much work to track, you could catch the light show from the comfort of your home by watching the AuroraMAX observatory page.

The camera turns on automatically when the sun sets in Yellowknife during the aurora season, from August to May. You can also watch the auroras on replay.

With files from Sarah Anderson.
