Healthcare worker plays numbers from a fortune cookie, wins six-figure lottery prize

While some people might play a special set of numbers in the lottery (often made up of significant dates), one woman decided to take advice from a fortune cookie.

Kyung Hee Lee is a healthcare worker from Woodbridge, Ontario. She’s no stranger to winning — she previously won a $5,000 lottery prize. However, her second win certainly caught her by surprise.

Lee recalled how it all started when she stopped to eat at a restaurant.

“I went to a local restaurant, opened a fortune cookie, and decided to play the numbers on my fortune,” she said. So she played that set of numbers when she purchased an Ontario 49 ticket with Encore.

Kyung Hee Lee of Woodbridge, Ontario (OLG)

When she checked her ticket after the March 27 draw, she couldn’t believe what she saw: after matching the last six of seven Encore numbers in exact order, she had won a $100,000 prize.

“When I went to replay the ticket, only then did I realize it was a winner,” Lee recalled. “I was shaking! I went to work and was still in shock!”

She immediately shared the news of her win with her brother and niece, who were also in disbelief.

“They were very happy for me,” she said.

Lee said that she plans to share her money with her family and that the windfall will go towards her retirement.

The winning ticket was purchased at Petro Canada on Innovation Drive in Woodbridge.

All forms of gambling, including the lottery, involve risk and outcomes are based on chance. Individuals are strongly advised to gamble responsibly. If you are experiencing any signs of gambling-related issues, you can find resources here.
