Grandma to use $1 million lottery win to travel with grandkids

An Ontario grandmother is celebrating a huge lottery win, and she has some heartwarming plans about what she wants to do with the money.

Maria-Anna Tarantino of King City said she was out shopping when she remembered to check her tickets. 

It turns out that one of her four tickets ended up being a big winner — for $1 million, to be exact.

“I was in shock and ran straight home to call my son. I was in a bit of a panic, but once I spoke with him and he assured me it was real, I was thrilled!” she said.

Tarantino shared that winning is a “great feeling.”

She plans on sharing her prize with her family and travelling with her grandkids.

“I am not only blessed by this prize but also with an incredible family that supports me,” she said.

Tarantino isn’t the only winner who said they wanted to share their prize with their loved ones.

Calgary resident Josephine Leduc won the July 17 Gold Ball draw. When she first checked her ticket, she thought she won $1,000. However, her winning amount was actually $1 million.

She said she wanted to put some money aside for her child and share some with her family.

Transportation worker Robert Carpenter of Ontario recently won $250,000 and shared that he wanted to use the money to help his kids.

All forms of gambling, including the lottery, involve risk and outcomes are based on chance. Individuals are strongly advised to gamble responsibly. If you are experiencing any signs of gambling-related issues, you can find resources here.
