Downtown Eastside pedestrian holds on for dear life in wild video

An incident that occurred on Wednesday in the Downtown Eastside between a driver and pedestrian was caught on video, and Daily Hive has some exclusive details.

Earlier this morning, we received a tip from a reader who captured the wild footage.

“These types of incidents are happening [daily] in my neighbourhood,” the reader, who chose to remain anonymous, told Daily Hive.

They said incidents like the one in the video take place in the Downtown Eastside, “where I have my business and live with my young family.”

While some may find the video shocking, they said others probably won’t since this type of thing “is so common.”

The person who captured the footage said the pedestrian was “taking his very sweet time crossing the road during a no-cross sign.”

After that, the reader claims that the driver honked, and the pedestrian stood in front of the vehicle “for about 10 seconds without moving.”

“The pedestrian then struck the car’s hood with his fists, and that is when I started recording.”

According to the Daily Hive reader, the driver pulled over half a block down the street, and the pedestrian got off the car’s hood. The reader claimed that the pedestrian attempted to enter the vehicle via the passenger door, but the driver took off, and the pedestrian could not get in.

We sent the video to the Vancouver Police Department, which said it was aware of it and was investigating. However, they couldn’t share more details about what happened after the altercation.
