BC renter pop quiz: Do you know your rental rights?

Renting can feel overwhelming in BC, especially in a city like Vancouver, and particularly if you don’t know your rights.

So, we’ve decided to put you to the test.

With April 1 around the corner, many people are moving into new places, including first-time renters. Sometimes, you have to learn the hard way, or you can take this renter rights quiz and get a tiny bit more prepared for the wild world of renting in Vancouver and BC.

How well do you know your rights as a renter in BC?

Daily Hive sourced questions and answers by scouring through the BC government’s resources on renting.

We’ve also included a few generic questions about the rental world of BC.

Good luck! And don’t worry, you won’t get evicted from this article if you fail.

Let’s begin:

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Let us know how you did and if you learned anything about renting in Vancouver and BC.
