17-storey rental housing tower proposed near future Mount Pleasant SkyTrain station

Three single-family detached houses built in 1910 could be replaced by a 184-ft-tall, 17-storey secured purpose-built rental housing tower.

The development site is a land assembly at 469-483 East 10th Avenue in Vancouver’s Mount Pleasant neighbourhood, located mid-block near the northwest corner of the intersection of St. Georges Street and East 10th Avenue.

This property is conveniently about a 10-minute walk from SkyTrain’s future Mount Pleasant Station (the future Millennium Line station at the intersection of Main Street and East Broadway).

469-483 east 10th avenue vancouver fastmark rental tower

Site of 469-483 East 10th Avenue, Vancouver. (Google Maps)

Existing condition:

469-483 east 10th avenue vancouver fastmark rental tower

Site of 469-483 East 10th Avenue, Vancouver. (Google Maps)

Future condition:

469-483 east 10th avenue vancouver fastmark rental tower

Artistic rendering of 469-483 East 10th Avenue, Vancouver. (GBL Architects/Fastmark Acquisitions)

Fastmark Acquisitions has submitted a new rezoning application calling for a total of 138 secured purpose-built rental homes, including 110 market rental units and 28 below-market rental units.

The unit size mix is 47 studio units, 42 one-bedroom units, 34 two-bedroom units, and 15 three-bedroom units.

Residents will have access to shared indoor and outdoor amenity spaces on both the ground level and tower rooftop.

The building’s contemporary-style design is defined by a colourful mural opportunity for the facade of the tower rooftop level.

469-483 east 10th avenue vancouver fastmark rental tower

Artistic rendering of 469-483 East 10th Avenue, Vancouver. (GBL Architects/Fastmark Acquisitions)

469-483 east 10th avenue vancouver fastmark rental tower

Artistic rendering of 469-483 East 10th Avenue, Vancouver. (GBL Architects/Fastmark Acquisitions)

The project aligns with the City’s Broadway Plan’s prescriptions and stipulations.

The total building floor area will reach 95,600 sq ft, establishing a floor area ratio density of a floor area that is 5.5 times larger than the size of the lot. Two underground levels will contain 30 vehicle parking stalls and 415 secure bike parking spaces. The project’s design firms are GBL Architects and Durante Kreuk.

This is Fastmark’s second rental housing tower proposal in the area; it also has a rezoning application to redevelop 523-549 East 10th Avenue — a land assembly on the city block immediately to the east — into a 19-storey rental housing tower, which is also designed by GBL Architects.

469-483 east 10th avenue vancouver fastmark rental tower

Artistic rendering of 469-483 East 10th Avenue, Vancouver. (GBL Architects/Fastmark Acquisitions)

469-483 east 10th avenue vancouver fastmark rental tower

Artistic rendering of 469-483 East 10th Avenue, Vancouver. (GBL Architects/Fastmark Acquisitions)

469-483 east 10th avenue vancouver fastmark rental tower

Artistic rendering of 469-483 East 10th Avenue, Vancouver. (GBL Architects/Fastmark Acquisitions)
