White Rock pounded by pea-sized hail Saturday

A storm hit B.C.’s south coast Saturday, bringing hail to the region, including White Rock, Environment Canada says.

Meteorologist Yimei Li says the weather agency has received reports about hail from White Rock, South Surrey, North Vancouver and South Vancouver.

Li says thunderstorms, when combined with cooler-than-normal temperatures, create the right conditions for hail to develop.

Kelly Breaks of White Rock witnessed the unusual activity first-hand, describing it as “the weirdest thing.”

Breaks says he woke to the sound of loud thunder claps on Saturday morning, prompting him to turn on the TV in search of a weather update only to have the broadcast drowned out by the sound of the passing storm.

He says a glance out his window revealed his whole street had turned into what he described as a river due to the hail.
