‘Home Vacation Check’ program coming to White Rock residents this summer

The White Rock RCMP has launched a program for residents who are planning a vacation this summer.

The “Home Vacation Check” program is for White Rock residents who are planning to be away from home and want their properties to be protected from break-ins or damage while they are away.

Const. Chantal Sears of the White Rock RCMP says policing volunteers will check the perimeters of the properties for those who sign up.

“[They’ll be] checking doors and windows to make sure that nothing is insecure and documenting it. And if there is a breach found, such as a window left open or a door, or your house has been vandalised or broken into, they will notify you while you are away,” she said.

She says you can sign up in person five days prior to your departure date.

“You can contact our community service coordinator, or you can come in to the front counter. We have the applications printed off here, and you can fill it out in person,” she said.

Sears says trained community police volunteers will do random checks on your house daily.

“Our community policing volunteers come in nearly daily, and there are different volunteers coming in on different days. So, we will have the list available to them, and they will add it to their patrols,” she said.

However, Mounties reminded residents that the program is not a replacement for having someone pick up their mail and newspapers and do checks inside their residences for insurance purposes.

Sears says you will be contacted, and a police file will be made if any damage is found on your property.

“When residents and community police partners work together, community safety and personal safety are increased. This program will give you peace of mind knowing that upon your return from being away, your residence is secure,” Sears said. 

“It takes everyone doing their part to prevent crime, and we know that when we work together, property crime is reduced.”
