Grocery chain sees shoplifting spike across Lower Mainland

A well-known grocery chain is reporting an uptick in shoplifting at all 10 of its Lower Mainland locations.

SunGiven Foods has seen a five per cent jump in the crime compared to last summer and the company has had to make some changes in response, says Director of Operations Michael Hsieh.

“We have done a lot of work in terms of prevention, such as hiring security guards, calling the police department for assistance, and training,” Hsieh told CityNews.

He adds thieves are now starting to steal higher valued items and in bigger quantities.

“Before, they would only steal small items such as cup noodles, and breads, and the value of those items will add up to around $20 to $40,” he said.

“Ever since the end of, I would say 2023 or mid 2023, they’re starting to take larger products, such as our meat … protein, seafood, and those tend to be higher value products where it’s more expensive, and more quantity as well. And in terms of the baskets, they tend to just fill up the whole basket with a different variety of items. But focusing on meat.”

Hsiesh notes that stores frequently contact police about thefts, but feel little action is taken.

“[Employees] just have to keep on calling the police for their assistance which never tends to permanently solve that issue.”

While he couldn’t put an exact number on it, Hsieh believes the company is out “a tremendous amount of money.”

Hseih says he is calling on the government to address the root causes of the issue, which include homelessness.
