Elections BC investigating major municipal political parties after 2022 campaign contributions

Elections BC is investigating almost a dozen municipal political parties for their dealings in the lead-up to the 2022 General Local Elections.

The oversight body says the parties are being investigated for accepting prohibited contributions, failing to deal with the prohibited contributions in accordance with electoral rules, and/or sponsoring election advertising without an authorization statement.

The parties include:

  • A Better City Vancouver (ABC Vancouver)
  • BCA – Burnaby Citizens Association
  • Civic Non-Partisan Association (NPA)
  • Contract With Langley Association
  • Forward Together
  • Progress Vancouver
  • Richmond Community Coalition
  • Safe Surrey Coalition Society
  • Spirit Alliance
  • Surrey First Electors Society
  • United Surrey
  • Vision Vancouver Elector Association

Elections BC explains that all financial disclosures relating to the 2022 election were due in January 2023.

“After the filing deadline, Elections BC reviewed and audited the reports filed. The audit process concluded in September of 2023. Some filers were required to submit supplementary reports to correct information in the initial filings, or disclose additional information,” the body explained on Thursday.

“The investigations above were initiated by Elections BC based on review and audit findings and supplementary report filings. These investigations will proceed independently from one another and will conclude at different times.”

Elections BC says there are two possible investigation outcomes — it finds the parties either were or were not in compliance with the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act.

“If potential contraventions are substantiated, the elector organization will be subject to enforcement action, which can include administrative monetary penalties.”

Under the LECFA, only someone who is a B.C. resident, and Canadian citizen or permanent resident can make a campaign contribution, which is limited to $1,250. Organizations are also prohibited from making campaign contributions.

Elections BC explains that when they accept contributions, parties must “ensure the contribution is from an eligible individual, ensuring that an eligible individual hasn’t contributed more than their annual limit, recording information about the contribution, such as its value and the date it was made, and depositing the contribution into a campaign account.”
