Vancouver City Council met this week to hear and discuss a variety of topics during Council, and Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities.
Tuesday, March 28
This week’s Council began with the approval of the following reports and referral reports on consent:
After that, Council approved the following referral reports:
Council then approved By-laws 1-18 PDF file (5.1 MB), By-law 19 PDF file (182 KB), and By-laws 20-22 PDF file (14.5 MB).
The following Administrative Motions and Council Members’ Motions were also approved:
Member’s Motion Water Works By-law Exemptions and/or viable exceptions for notable decorative city water features PDF file (418 KB) was deferred to the Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities on Wednesday, March 29.
Council also dealt with two new business items:
- Motion to Seek Director Position with Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) for the Upcoming Year
- Motion to Seek Table Officer Position with Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) for the Upcoming Year
Wednesday, March 29
The Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities began with the approval of the following reports on consent:
Following this, the Standing Committee approved the following reports:
Thursday, March 30
The Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities continued through Thursday and approved the following reports:
Referred motion Water Works By-law exemptions and/or viable exceptions for notable decorative city water features PDF file (125 KB) was also approved by the Standing Committee.
A Council meeting was convened immediately following the Standing Committee meeting. In this meeting, Council approved the recommendations and actions of the preceding Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities.
The next regular meeting of Council is scheduled for Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 9:30am. Find agendas and meeting reports on