Vancouver City Council met this week to hear and discuss a variety of topics during Council and Standing Committee on City Finance and Services.
Tuesday, March 29
This week’s Council began with words of condolences for the passing of Vancouver Police Department Superintendent Bill Spearn, and a moment of silence for the situation in Ukraine. The following communication, reports, and referral reports were then approved on consent:
Council then approved the following reports:
Council also approved By-laws 1 to 19 PDF file (12 MB). They then approved the following Administrative and Council Members’ Motions:
Council Members’ Motion B5, “Plebiscite to Measure Public Support for a 2030 Winter Olympic Bid Held Concurrently with the 2022 Civic Election,” was withdrawn.
The following motions were referred to the Standing Committee on City Finance and Services on Wednesday, March 30:
Wednesday, March 30
The Standing Committee on City Finance and Services began with the approval on consent of the following:
The Standing Committee then approved the following reports:
The Standing Committee also approved the following referred motions:
A Council meeting was convened immediately following the Standing Committee meeting, where the recommendations and actions of the preceding Standing Committee on City Finance and Services were approved, as well as By-law 1 PDF file (58 KB).
The next regular meeting of Council is scheduled for Tuesday, April 12 at 9:30am.