City is asking for feedback on 2025 Budget priorities

Budget 2025 news release landing image

Vancouver residents and businesses invited to take survey

August 21 2024 –

The City of Vancouver is asking those who live in or who own/operate a business in Vancouver for input on priorities for the 2025 Budget, as part of its annual budget engagement process.

The 2025 – 2029 Budget Outlook outlines the main factors influencing the City’s financial outlook, including measures on how to balance the budget while maintaining existing service levels. The report also includes recommendations for additional revenue streams to ease the proposed property tax increase.

Ways to get involved:

  1. Visit to learn more and complete the survey by September 16. The survey is available in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Punjabi.
  2. Register to speak when City Council reviews the draft budget in December. Registration details will be available closer to the meeting date. 
  3. Contact Mayor and Council directly to provide feedback on the draft budget.

Feedback will be summarized in a public report presented to City Council in December. Council will vote on the final 2025 Budget in December 2024.

Simplified Chinese – 简体中文  (300 KB) Traditional Chinese – 繁體中文  (285 KB)

Punjabi – ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (172 KB)
