Advance voting for the Vancouver election starts this weekend

September 28 2022 –

Voting on advance voting days is one way you can avoid line-ups on election day, October 15.

Advance voting starts this weekend on Saturday, October 1 and continues on:

  • Wednesday, October 5
  • Saturday, October 8
  • Tuesday, October 11
  • Thursday, October 13

Voting places are open from 8 am to 8 pm.

You can vote anywhere that is convenient for you

  1. Britannia Community Services Centre, 1661 Napier St
  2. Carnegie Community Centre, 401 Main St
  3. Champlain Heights Community Centre, 3350 Maquinna Dr
  4. Creekside Community Recreation Centre, 1 Athletes Way
  5. Douglas Park Community Centre, 801 West 22nd Ave
  6. Dunbar Community Centre, 4747 Dunbar St
  7. Hastings Community Centre, 3096 East Hastings St
  8. Hillcrest Centre, 4575 Clancy Loranger Way
  9. Kensington Community Centre, 5175 Dumfries St
  10. Kerrisdale Community Centre, 5851 West Blvd
  11. Killarney Community Centre, 6260 Killarney St
  12. Kitsilano War Memorial Community Centre, 2690 Larch St
  13. Marpole-Oakridge Community Centre, 990 West 59th Ave  
  14. Mount Pleasant Community Centre, 1 Kingsway
  15. RayCam Co-operative Centre, 920 East Hastings St
  16. Renfrew Park Community Centre, 2929 East 22nd Ave
  17. Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Centre, 181 Roundhouse Mews
  18. Sunset Community Centre, 6810 Main St
  19. Trout Lake Community Centre, 3360 Victoria Dr
  20. Vancouver City Hall, 453 West 12th Ave
  21. West End Community Centre, 870 Denman St
  22. West Point Grey Community Centre, 4397 West 2nd Ave

Find a voting place near you

What to bring

If you are already registered bring the voter information card you received in the mail to the voting place.

If you are not registered and are voting for the first time, there are two ways to register when you vote:

Option 1. Provide two pieces of identification (ID):

  • Both pieces must show your name:
    • At least one piece must show your address
    • At least one piece must include your signature

Option 2. Provide one piece of identification and make a solemn declaration (ID):

If you only have one piece of ID, you can make a solemn declaration in front of the election official in charge of the voting place to confirm your identity and where you live.

Find examples of acceptable ID and registration information if you have no fixed address.

Extra help for voters

On advance voting days, if you need help marking a ballot and want to use a ballot marking device, visit:

There will be instructions on how to use this device at the voting location

The device can help mark a ballot with:

  • Sip-and-puff, paddle, or other accessibility devices
  • Audio instructions and braille markings on paddles and buttons
  • Large print or high-colour contrast

Voters who communicate in other languages may:

  • Ask for an election official who speaks your language to help you. Election officials who speak another language will be wearing a tag that says which language(s) they speak.
  • Bring someone you know to the voting place. Let the election official know, as this person will have to take an oath of secrecy.

Ballot marking instructions will be available in the following languages, in addition to large print (in English):

  • Traditional Chinese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Tagalog
  • Punjabi
  • Vietnamese
  • Korean
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Farsi
  • Japanese

American Sign Language (ASL) will be available by video chat on advance voting days (October 1, 5, 8, 11, 13).

If your language is not listed above, election officials will connect you over the phone to someone who can help you understand the ballot marking instructions. This service is available at voting places in more than 180 languages.

Review our Voters’ Guide

Other ways to vote

Request a vote by mail package with free return postage:

  • By mail, apply by Thursday, September 29 at 5pm
  • For pick up, apply until Thursday, October 11 at 5pm

Last day to pick up packages from the Election Office (305 West 8th Ave), is Friday, October 14 at Noon.

It can take up to two business days to process an application.

Request to vote by mail

Planning your vote

The Plan Your Vote tool helps you:

  • Make a voting plan
  • Pick candidates
  • Remember your answers to the Capital Plan borrowing questions
  • Choose a convenient day and place to vote
  • Email and print your plan

Plan Your Vote

Printed Voters’ Guide

Voters’ Guides will be available starting on September 29 at community centres, libraries, and other public centres.

The guides include basic election information that have been translated to Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Tagalog, Punjabi, Vietnamese, Spanish, Korean, Farsi, French, and Japanese. In addition, the guides also include candidate profiles (in English only).

For more information visit the 2022 Election website or call 3-1-1. 
