Drake lost an absurd amount of money betting on the Oilers

While many believed the Edmonton Oilers were going to win the Stanley Cup Final, few were as confident as Drake.

The Canadian rapper revealed before the Cup Final that he had placed $500,000 on the Oilers to eliminate the Florida Panthers. Had it hit, he would have won north of $1 million.

Drake’s bet appeared to have been a horrendous one early on, as the Panthers came out hot to begin the series and took a commanding 3-0 lead. The Oilers, however, battled back with three straight wins of their own but wound up losing Game 7 by a 2-1 final to fall just short in what would have been a historic comeback bid.

With the loss, Drake has officially lost $500,000. Thanks to his major success, he will be just fine, but losing that much money has to sting, no matter who you are.

Making matters even worse is that the 37-year-old also placed $500,000 on the Dallas Mavericks to win the NBA championship. They wound up falling short, losing to the Boston Celtics in five games, meaning Drake lost $1 million combined between the two championships.

Drake has always been a big sports fan. His favourite team is the Toronto Raptors, for whom he serves as a global ambassador.

Despite Drake’s fame, many fan bases wish for him to stay away from their respective teams due to the infamous “Drake Curse.” For years, there’s been a lengthy track record of teams Drake supports or bets on winding up losing. These latest two losses won’t help that reputation and will have fans all over the sporting world hoping Drake roots, or bets, against their teams.
