“Don’t miss it”: Typical Vancouver weather thwarts solar eclipse excitement

If there’s a Mitsubishi Eclipse in your neighbourhood, savour the view because if you live in Vancouver, it’s the closest you’ll get to catching any semblance of today’s solar event.

Lots of excitement was brewing over the weekend about today’s solar eclipse, but the weather forecast dampened the hype.

Now, people are lamenting about the typical Vancouver weather that has axed any chance of viewing the solar eclipse. The silver lining is that people on the West Coast weren’t expected to get a great view of the eclipse anyway.

“Vancouver, BC, unfortunately, will not be in the dark part of the moon’s shadow, so we will not see a total eclipse. But we will be in the fuzzy part of the shadow, so we would see a partial solar eclipse, where the moon covers only a part of the sun,” Joanna Woo, a lecturer at the SFU Department of Physics and Director of SFU Trottier Observatory, told Daily Hive last week.

Many folks took to social media to share their thoughts about the weather; some have gone to painstaking lengths to catch a glimpse of the eclipse.

One Vancouver resident drove all the way to Arkansas to see it!

Yesterday, the HR MacMillan Space Centre sounded hopeful about today’s event, telling folks, “Don’t miss it!”

Sadly, for Vancouver skywatchers, this photo sums it all up:

At least some kids got to skip out on school for the event.

One other X user made a joke about Mitsubishis.

Today’s partial eclipse was supposed to be viewable between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm, so barring any weather miracles, we’ll have to wait until the next one. Or, teleport to Arkansas.
