Vancouver resident gets passive-aggressive parking note after doing nothing wrong

Residential parking rules changed in Vancouver late last year, and while not everybody got the memo, one person did get a passive-aggressive note.

A Vancouver Redditor received the note after parking in front of a home on a residential street he lives on in the Hastings-Sunrise area.

What he did was completely permitted, as you can park anywhere on the block you live on as long as there are no parking signs. His Reddit post led to a discussion that indicates that many Vancouver residents have to deal with aggressive parking behaviour from neighbours.

The note “kindly” asked the resident to refrain from parking in front of their house, adding, “My family parks here!!”

vancouver parking


Redditor MrDingDingFTW said he only parked in that spot because an Evo vehicle took his usual parking spot.

The City of Vancouver announced changes to how residential parking rules worked last fall. Before the changes, under certain conditions, you could only park at another home on your block for more than three hours between 8 am and 6 pm.

There is one limitation: You can only park outside of someone else’s home on your block for 14 days.

Many chimed in on the Reddit post to share their own stories.

“I have neighbours who do this. I also have a neighbour who bought a second vehicle just to leave one parked out front of their house 24/7, so they always have that space,” one person responded.

byu/MrDingDingFTW from discussion

One Redditor had a suggestion for how to respond.

byu/MrDingDingFTW from discussion

Another Redditor said, “They don’t own the street.”

At least the neighbours didn’t use household crap to reserve their spot, which, unlike parking in front of someone else’s home on your block, is not permitted.
