“Is this a joke?” New Hula Hoop Combat fitness studio leaves residents confused

A new fitness studio gearing up to open in Metro Vancouver has locals a mixture of intrigued and confused

The Hula Hoop Combat Training (HHCT) studio is advertising its impending arrival near the corner of 1st Street and Lonsdale in North Vancouver.

The storefront states that HHCT is a proud member of the Mutual Combat Association, and includes an anthem for participants to learn while they “Loop, Scoop, and Hoop.”

Hula Hoop Combat Training

Hula Hoop Combat Training

Reddit users posted photos of HHCT asking for the community’s help deciphering the mysterious fitness studio, with many sharing that they were excited to try it out.

Hoola Hoop Combat Training?
byu/sawyersdogmom inNorthVancouver

“It’s like an SNL skit come to life and looks like a blast. Trying it for sure,” said Jozero.

Rebenlor added, “I told my husband we’re doing a free trial. 😂”

The HHCT storefront posted that interested participants can register for the limited-edition T-shirt by emailing [email protected]. Guests will also need to rent one of the “tactical-grade hula hoops.”

Hula Hoop Combat Training

Hula Hoop Combat Training

Hula Hoop Combat Training

Hula Hoop Combat Training

Daily Hive reached out to the fitness studio for more information but did not receive a response before deadline.

In the meantime, can you figure out what The Hula Hoop Combat Training anthem means? Do you think it’s a new workout craze or something more mysterious? Let us know in the comments.
