You can now park your pet at Granville Island in its own private shelter

Trips to Granville Island with your furry friend just got a whole lot easier, thanks to PetParker Canada. The innovative pet parking company unveiled its newest station outside the iconic Public Market in mid-April.

PetParker Canada offers secure, ground-mounted smart pods that are ventilated, temperature-monitored, and equipped with interior cameras, enabling owners to monitor their pets remotely. These features ensure a comfortable and safe environment for pets while their owners explore the market.

pet parking Granville Island Vancouver pets

PetParker located in front of Public Market at Granville Island. (Adi Kabazo/PetParker Canada)

Ann Tran, the proud owner of six-year-old Frenchie Juju, told Daily Hive that the service has improved her trips to Granville Island with her dog.

“I can go into the cafe across the street and grab a quick coffee now,” said Tran. “I saw it by accident during one of our walks in the area, and Juju didn’t seem to mind the space at all.”

Juju the Frenchie inside a PetParker outside the Public Market. (Raxana/Daily Hive)

The addition of four newly installed smart dog stations at Granville Island is a game-changer for the Granville Island experience, allowing more freedom and convenience for both pets and their owners.

“PetParker was inspired by solving a potential problem that other pet owners may face when leaving their dogs outside tied to a pole or tree,” said PetParker Canada CEO Adi Kabazo. He referred to the uncertainty and security issues that arise when leaving your pet unattended with little safety measures in place. 

Kabazo stumbled upon the PetParker concept and brought the innovative idea to Vancouver from Brazil, where it was first launched five years ago in São Paulo. Since becoming operational in Canada six months ago, demand for PetParker’s services has continued to grow, according to Kabazo. 

small dog inside PetParker viewed via app

A small dog inside a PetParker, viewed via their app. (Adi Kabazo/PetParker Canada)

“This year has seen a very exciting interest in demand. And just in the last couple of months, we’ve added quite a number of locations, including Save-On-Foods, Urban Fare, and now Granville Island,” said Kabazo.

There are currently 22 PetParker stations at over a dozen locations across Metro Vancouver, with plans for further expansion. Granville Island now boasts four of these parking stations, three of which are conveniently located right outside the Public Market.

“It’s just an amazing place to be in and help people enjoy the flexibility of taking their dogs out for the day and popping into the Public Market,” said Kabazo in reference to the newly appointed Granville Island stations.

Granville Island PetParker map with locations. (Adi Kabazo/PetParker Canada)

The best part? They’re free! 

The metal safety pods are easy to access via the PetParker app and open after scanning a QR code. PetParker Canada recommends downloading the app ahead of time.

Designed for short-term stays, these spaces accommodate dogs ranging from small to large, up to approximately 45 kg. Dogs must be at least six months old, house-trained, in good health, and have up-to-date vaccinations.

The owner also has access to a camera that monitors the dog via the app, helping ease any anxiety about leaving your dog for a quick errand run.

Kabazo says that a typical owner will use the PetParker for around 15 to 20 minutes, while the maximum stay for any one pet is one hour. 

“It’s designed for temporary shelter. This is not an alternative to a doggy daycare or anything like that,” said Kabazo.

The increased demand and visibility of PetParker stations also reflect our view of pets as valued members of our community, emphasizing the importance we place on their safety and well-being in Vancouver.

“These types of initiatives add a huge benefit to our communities because it sends the signals that dogs are welcome. Dogs are part of our families. And we should have options available to them just as we do for our human family members,” said Rebeka Breder, animal law lawyer. 

Ensuring safety and advocacy for all

Breder said the introduction of PetParker also allows for a safer experience for pet owners, their pets, and also civilians. 

“I think it’s very good for dog owners to use these types of pods for their dogs because it makes it much safer for both the dog guardian and the dog,” said Breder. She went on to note that the arrangement also ensures civilians walking by feel safe with an unfamiliar animal.

Breder praised PetParker for addressing the welfare concern when dogs are left tethered to a pole outside alone.

“Very often they’re stressed, and when they’re stressed, they’re scared… so it’s most likely still safer for them to be in these pods than being tethered out,” said Breder.

Dogs aren’t permitted where food is served or sold, so most pet owners who travel down to Granville Island with their pet forgo much of the fun the Public Market has to offer.

According to the City of Vancouver’s Animal Control Bylaws regarding tethering dogs, dogs owners are not supposed to “tie or fasten a dog to a fixed object by using a choke collar or choke chain or by tying a rope, chain, or cord directly around the dog’s neck.”

Nevertheless, this typically doesn’t deter owners from tethering their dogs to the nearest pole or bike station while they quickly pop into a café for a coffee.

With limited options available to pet owners, PetParker serves as a solution to address safety concerns associated with dogs tethered to poles.

PetParker outside one of the Granville Island locations. (Adi Kabazo/PetParker)

The parking stations are also reliable to keep your pet safe during an emergency.

“We’ve built features and safety aspects as a solution to address many situations,” said Kabazo. 

In case of an emergency, PetParker has three options for safely removing your dog: through the QR code, via contact with one of their members online, or with a key that the business will have handy. At Granville Island, the security team handles the key.

While PetParkers make running errands easier, it’s essential to be mindful of your pet’s needs and comfort. Not every pet will be comfortable in an enclosed space that smells like other dogs, so always consider your furry friend’s temperament and preferences before using a PetParker.

“People have to use their common sense also, and to know whether something like this is right for their dogs,” said Breder, “Only the dog’s owner is the best judge of their own dog’s characteristics and personalities.”

Would you park your dog at a PetParker while you run errands? Let us know in the comments.
