BC Green Party announces a change in leadership

After over four years, the BC Green Party is heading in a new direction, as Sonia Furstenau is stepping down as its leader.

Furstenau and the BC Greens announced the news on Tuesday morning.

She had a strong showing as the BC Green Party leader in the 2024 provincial election, particularly during one televised debate, but ultimately failed to move the needle forward for her party, having just two members elected. She lost her seat in the riding of Victoria-Beacon Hill in the 2024 election.

Despite the defeat, Furstenau believed that the Greens would play a pivotal role at the BC Legislature.

“I’m stepping down today feeling a great sense of accomplishment,” Furstenau said.

Originally from Alberta, Furstenau has been the Green Party leader since September 2020, after Andrew Weaver, the previous leader, left to run as an independent. Before that, she served as an MLA in the Cowichan Valley.

More to come…

With files from Megan Devlin
