The sun is generally the bringer of warmth, but despite it shining over Vancouver, temperatures will drop significantly on Tuesday night with a blast of winter weather.
According to the forecast from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), as the snowy season approaches, this is the closest we’ve been to winter weather in Vancouver since the beginning of the year. There’s no snow in the forecast yet, though.
Thanks to the wind chill, ECCC is calling for temperatures to drop to around -6°C on Tuesday night. Without accounting for the wind chill, regular temperatures will still be quite brr-inducing at -2°C.
There’s also some good news if you’ve been enjoying the spooky, foggy conditions: There’s going to be more of that tonight and tomorrow morning.
Conditions for the rest of the week won’t be quite as cold, but in typical Vancouver fashion, it will be pretty wet, including every night of the Taylor Swift Eras Tour aside from Sunday.
After that, the sun returns for a visit that will kick off next week, as long as the forecast holds firm.
When we spoke to ECCC meteorologist Armel Castellan last week, his prediction for winter in BC was much like this seven-day forecast.
“There is a relatively high probability of seeing warmer than normal temperatures across, I would say, Western Canada,” Castellan said. He added that there’s a strong indicator that this would be the case for the first and maybe second week of December. There are more question marks for the third week of December and beyond.
However, Castellan informed us there will be a good mix of warm and cold weather as winter progresses. As far as ECCC is concerned, it is now winter, as they measure the seasons meteorologically, and December 1 is the first day of meteorological winter.
Are you excited about a bit of winter weather in Vancouver, or do you hate it?