Events, decisions, and reports at City Council for the week of June 6, 2022

June 10 2022 –

Vancouver City Council met this week with some members joining electronically and others in-person, to hear and discuss a variety of topics during Council, Standing Committee on City Finance and Services, and Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities.

Tuesday, June 7

This week’s Council began with the approval of the following minutes, communication, reports and referral reports on consent:

Council then received a presentation on the update from the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) Task Force (159 KB) and unanimously approved the report.

After that, Council approved the following reports:

The decision on Metro Vancouver 2050 Regional District Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) Bylaw No. 1339, 2022, Metro 2050 Acceptance (60.4 MB) is postponed to June 21, 2022, and will permit speakers to sign up to speak to this item.

Council then approved the following referral reports:

Council approved By-laws 1 to 17 (1.5 MB), By-laws 18 to 22 (35.5 MB), and By-laws 23 to 27 (40.4 MB), then the following Administrative Motions and Council Members’ Motions:

The following motions were referred to the Standing Committee on City Finance and Services on Wednesday, June 8, 2022:

Wednesday, June 8

The Standing Committee on City Finance and Services began with Mayor Kennedy Stewart reading the Italian Heritage Month Proclamation and official apology for Vancouver City Council’s treatment of the Italian Canadian community in Vancouver during World War II. This was followed by the approval of the following items on consent:

The Standing Committee then approved the following reports and referred motions:

The following items will be considered at the reconvening Standing Committee meeting on June 15, 2022:

Thursday, June 9

The Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities reconvened on Thursday, June 9 to debate on the Broadway Plan (22.2 MB). The debate and decision on this item will continue at the next Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities meeting on June 22, 2022.

The next regular meeting of Council is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21, at 9:30am.

Find agendas and meeting reports
