Speedy Metro Vancouver Tesla “N” driver sparks speed limit debate

A Tesla driver was caught going way too fast in Metro Vancouver, and a police agency is calling it a rising trend for electric vehicles.

In response, some are arguing that the speed limit in the area needs to be increased.

The Delta Police Department shared details about the incident on X.

According to the X post, the “N” driver was clocked going 134 km/h in an 80 km/h zone on the 6600 Block of Highway 17.

His Tesla got impounded by the Metro Vancouver police force.

The Delta Police Department said it has noticed a “rising trend of electric vehicles getting caught for [excessive speeding].”

It added that speed limits apply to all vehicles, including electric ones.

This speeding violation has sparked some conversation, including some people saying that the posted limit is too low.

A Redditor in this thread said, “80 on that stretch is way way way too low. It should be at least 100. Make it dynamic during rush hour if you really need to.”

Another user said, “130km/h is excessive, but most are doing 110. Posted limit of 80 feels a bit low.”

“To be fair, everyone on Highway 17 is driving 100-110km/hr. A speed limit of 80km/hr on a divided highway is pretty low,” said another.

Do you agree with these opinions about the speed limit?
