Roundup of business at City Council for the week of January 30, 2023

City Hall's 12th Avenue entrance
February 2 2023 –

Vancouver City Council met this week to hear and discuss a variety of topics during Council, and Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities.

Tuesday, January 31

This week’s Council meeting began with the Mayor presenting the Black History Month proclamation. Council then approved the following reports and referral reports on consent:

Council then approved the following Council Members’ Motion:

The following Administrative and Council Members’ Motions were also approved:

Council referred the following items to the Standing Committee on City Finance and Service meeting on Wednesday, February 1 to hear from speakers:

Wednesday, February 1

The Standing Committee on City Finance and Services meeting began with Council approval on consent of the following:

The Standing Committee then approved the following motions: 

Thursday, February 2

The Auditor General Committee approved the following reports for referral to Council:

The Auditor General Committee then approved a Council member motion for referral to Council:

  • Quorum change to Auditor General Committee Terms of Reference – with an amendment

The next Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 14, at 9:30am. 

Find agendas and meeting reports
