BC university named as one of your best shots at becoming a CEO

When choosing where to study, career prospects play a significant factor in which universities you apply to. If your long-term goal is to be a CEO, this spot may be the one for you.

The University of British Columbia (UBC) was ranked among the top Canadian universities that produce the highest number of CEOs, according to the global academic platform Immerse Education.

CEO canadian university

Immerse Education

The organization analyzed LinkedIn data from over 200 top academic institutions worldwide to calculate the percentage of alums who have gained the coveted CEO title based on the school they attended.

UBC is home to one of the most renowned business schools in the country, with thousands of eager students vying for a chance to study at the UBC Sauder School of Business.

While UBC didn’t quite crack the top three Canadian institutions, it did rank as the fourth-best university across the country. Of 269,567 of its alums on LinkedIn, 3.33% (8.969) became CEOs.

The famous university was the only institution in BC that made it into Canada’s top 1o list. Unfortunately for Canada, no Canadian schools made it to the top global rankings list.
