25-year-old lottery winner hopes jackpot will help with home ownership

Talibah Howard has been trying her luck with the lottery for just a year, and now she’s become a winner.

The 25-year-old from Hamilton, Ontario, recently hit the jackpot, winning $125,000 with the Daily Keno 8 Pick on July 5.

The young public service worker said she found out about her win after checking her emails.

“I got an email from OLG and it was different from others I had received. I thought maybe I needed to update some of my account information,” she recalled in a press release.

She saw a message that she had won a prize and initially thought it was for $10,000.

“When I saw the actual prize amount, my heart started pounding. It was unbelievable!”

While it’s taken a few days for the win to sink in, Howard said she’s hoping to use the prize money for home ownership, noting that her win has helped give her a “head start” in life.

“At my age, it’s a huge advantage. I am so happy!”

For the young lottery winner, the prize represents a lot of opportunity.

“It could be a down payment,” she said. “It could be a post-graduate degree.”

But before she goes and starts spending, Howard said she’s going to be responsible and talk to an advisor, “and invest it wisely to make the most of this win.”

All forms of gambling, including the lottery, involve risk and outcomes are based on chance. Individuals are strongly advised to gamble responsibly. If you are experiencing any signs of gambling-related issues, you can find resources here.
